Thank you for your interest in an animal from Blue River Ranch. We want you to be pleased with your purchase and, therefore, have some terms that govern the sale of our animals. Please read the following terms and conditions before inquiring about an animal. We thank you for your time.
Reservations of kids are always free to make and are placed on a first-come, first-served basis. When making your reservation, please give us your name, email, and phone number so that we can easily reach you upon your kid’s birth. Please, also indicate whether you would like to reserve a doeling, buckling, or wether, how many, and from which planned breedings. We will go through the reservations lists' before offering up any animal to the general public. Please see our kidding schedule to see what animals are available to place a reservation on. If you do not see any reservations placed next to a planned breeding, then kids from that breeding are available to reserve.
Upon notification of availability of any animal reserved from us, a non-refundable deposit of half the purchase price must be paid within 48 hours to hold the animal, unless other arrangements have been made. If 48 hours has elapsed and no deposit has been made we will offer the kid up to the next person on the list and/or the general public if no other reservations remain. In the event of cancellation, between time of birth and pickup, the deposit MAY be allowed to be applied to another animal, but will NOT be refunded. This deposit covers the cost of feeding and housing the animal while it is being held and to compensate us for the time in which that animal could have been sold to someone else. Final payment must be rendered within 45 days of the initial deposit and prior to any animal leaving our property. Unless other arrangements have been made, you will forfeit your deposit if full payment has not been received and that animal will then be offered up for sale.
*Please note: If you would like an animal with horns, we will do this ONLY if payment for an animal has been made in FULL within 3 days of the animal having been born, as we will disbud animals no later than 7-10 days old. This is for the health and well-being of the animal. If you choose to do this and back out of the sale of the goat, after the time period has elapsed for proper removal of the horns, you will forfeit your money, as I then have to market the goat with horns, rather than as disbudded.
All animals will be up to date with required vaccinations, deworming, and hoof trimming. The health of our animals is imperative to us and we will not release any animal if we feel it is not yet ready to leave our premises. However, once an animal leaves our possession it then becomes the buyer's responsibility and we can no longer guarantee the health of the animal unless we are presented with a certified veterinarian's statement deeming that animal had a condition prior to transfer. Doelings and bucklings are sold as breeding quality stock (unless otherwise noted). Therefore, in the instance that a genetic defect is found, which was present at birth, such as teat spurs, extra teats, or sterility (buck kids), the buyer is eligible to receive a replacement animal of equal value from either that year or the next year's kidding season. The buyer will be required to submit a signed copy of the veterinary report.
*Purchaser has the right to a full veterinary examination at his/her expense on any animals to be purchased prior to taking possession of said animal.*
Kids will need to be picked up at time of weaning, between 8-12 weeks of age depending on each individual animals growth and progress. We have found that a medium to large sized, plastic dog kennel lined with pine shavings is best. You can buy a bag of pine shavings at your local feed store. For the health and well-being of the animal, please keep your new kid(s) out of the elements during transportation.
*Buyer is responsible for all transportation related costs which includes, but is not limited to: Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) or health certificate for all out-of-state buyers and associated testing, transport fees of actual animal for pickup and delivery to new destination, crate or kennel, and pine shavings.*
We reserve the right to refuse sale to anyone, for any reason, at any time, without explanation. We reserve the right to retain any kid at any time. We may ask for stud service back, first right of refusal, etc.
We disease test our herd through WADDL in Washington State. This report is available to see upon request for any potential buyer. Our herd tested NEGATIVE for CAE, CL, and Johne's on 4/20/2021.
For the health of our goats, we will not sell a single goat by itself if you do not already own goats. Goats are very social animals and must be housed with at least one other goat in order to be truly happy. If you are primarily interested in one doeling or buckling, please also inquire about getting a pet wether as it's herd mate. Thanks for your understanding.