DOB: 03/08/2024
Registration ID: D2416051
Silver; Brown eyes; Polled
Sire: Buffalo Clover M C Tank VVE 87
~SS: Buffalo Monte Carlo *B EEE 91
~SD: GCH Buffalo Clover Queenie 1*M, VEEV 88
Dam: Spotted Fever Blonde Bombshell GVEV 87
~DS: Swiftwind Voodoo Ironman +EE 86
~DD: Swiftwind Ash Desiree 1*M, VEEV 88
Dam: Blondie
DOB: 03/08/2024
Registration ID: D2416051
Buckskin; Blue eye; Disbudded
Sire: Buffalo Clover M C Tank VVE 87
~SS: Buffalo Monte Carlo *B EEE 91
~SD: GCH Buffalo Clover Queenie 1*M, VEEV 88
Dam: Spotted Fever Blonde Bombshell GVEV 87
~DS: Swiftwind Voodoo Ironman +EE 86
~DD: Swiftwind Ash Desiree 1*M, VEEV 88
Sire: Spotted Fever GV The Emperor, GGG 83 (yearling score) (deceased)
1x Jr. Reserve Champion - 2023
~SS: Buffalo Clover STR Giovanni *B, VVV87
~SD: Wee3farms CA Mera Jade 8*M, VVVV 88
3x ELITE doe
2x Jr. Grand Champion
1x Jr. Best in Show
1x Grand Champion as an FF
2x Reserve Champion
Dam: Spotted Fever CB Carina, GVGG 84 (FF)
~DS: Wolfivan Corona Borealis
~DD: Wee3farms CA Mera Jade 8*M, VVVV 88
3x ELITE doe
2x Jr. Grand Champion
1x Jr. Best in Show
1x Grand Champion as an FF
2x Reserve Champion
Omega is linebred on Wee3farms CA Mera Jade 8*M, VVVV 88 and SGCH Wee3farms MT Jaina Solo 7*M, VVEV 88
Sires dams udder: Jade
Sire: Heaven’s Hollow EdgeofPerfect
~SS: Winning Streak MP Perfecto
~SD: GCH Heaven’s Hollow Edge of Love 2*M VEEE 90 (03-04)
Dam: CH Heaven’ Hollow Lily’s Flora +VVV 85 (01-07)
~DS: Agape’s Prize Sixth Sense
~DD: GCH Garden N’ Goat KN Tiger Lily VEEE 90 (05-07)
Sire: Edge of Perfect
Photo credit to Heaven‘s Hollow